All About Hot Flashes

Jan 26, 2019 by

All About Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are most common in women who are going through perimenopause or menopause.  They can occur at any time during the day or during the night and can cause a great deal of discomfort; however, they are not life-threatening in any way.


What is a hot flash?

A hot flash, or sometimes referred to as a hot flush, is a feeling of heat coming over the body momentarily and may include sweating or a flushed, red face.  No one knows what really causes a hot flash, but it can be related to circulation changes during menopause.  A hot flash occurs when the blood vessels on the surface of the skin become dilated so that they can cool.  This is what makes the face become red and flushed.  In some cases a woman might sweat to help cool down the body and might even experience chills or a faster heart rate. Some women will experience the hot flashes at night, which are called night sweats.  These are extremely uncomfortable and can interfere with your sleeping.

Different women experience different types of hot flashes and each woman is affected differently.  Some women will have them for a long time during menopause while other women will only suffer from them a short time.  Some women might actually experience hot flashes for the rest of their lives, but in most cases, hot flashes begin to diminish over time and normally will stop as you continue to age.


Avoiding hot flashes

It is probably not possible to completely get rid of hot flashes or night sweats when you are going through menopause, but there are certain things that can trigger or make the hot flashes worse.  If at all possible, try to avoid:

  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Tight clothing
  • Hot weather
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Spicy things

All of these can help trigger a hot flash or can make a hot flash worse than it normally would have been.  If you avoid these as much as possible during menopause your hot flashes can occur less often and be less severe.

If you are suffering from hot flashes or night sweats you can also try some tips to at least try to keep them from being so uncomfortable and so severe.

  • Stay cool – Keep your house cool and particularly in the bedroom at night keep on a fan to help cool you when you are sleeping.
  • Exercise – Getting enough exercise can help keep your blood flowing; walk, swim or ride your bike.
  • Cooling pillows – These help to keep your temperature down while you are sleeping at night.

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