Perimenopause Treatment

Feb 25, 2019 by

Perimenopause Treatment

Perimenopause, also known as the menopausal transition, is the period in which a woman’s body will make the natural change form a regular menstruation and ovulation cycle to permanent infertility, or in other words, menopause. Women can begin perimenopause at various ages, but the changes to the body will generally begin in the 40’s.  Your periods can become irregular by being longer or shorter, or lighter or heavier and the interval between your periods normally becomes longer.  It is no longer a regular cycle.  You will probably begin to feel symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decrease in libido and problems sleeping.


Treatment options

After you have experienced no cycle for an entire 12 month period you have reached full blown menopause.  There is however some treatment options that are available during perimenopause that might help alleviate a lot of the symptoms you are having. Your doctor might prescribe birth control pills during perimenopause.  These can help to regulate your period and reduce the symptoms of perimenopause including hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

If you cannot or simply do not want to use any type of oral contraceptive (birth control pills) you might rather try progestin therapy.  It can help to regulate your periods and for those women who suffer from heavy bleeding, it can help relieve some of those issues.

Endometrial ablation might also be an option if you are suffering from perimenopause.  In some cases it can help give relief to those women who suffer from heavy periods.  The lining of the uterus is destroyed using a laser which will reduce or end your menstrual cycle completely.  This is surgery and the risks of this procedure should be gone over completely with your doctor before you try it.


Helping yourself

You should also consider eating a more healthy diet than you did before.  As you get older you should begin to take a vitamin supplement to help get the nutrients that your body might not otherwise get when you eat.  Eat a diet that is high in fiber and calcium to help keep your body regulated and to help keep your bones strong.  Avoid alcohol and caffeine and if you smoke, now is the time to stop. Regular exercise can also help to keep your body in good shape.  It can prevent you from gaining unnecessary weight, helps you sleep better at night, helps to keep your bones strong and elevates your mood.  Exercising for at least thirty minutes every day can help to keep your body in top shape and help you to avoid muscle strains and joint aches.

Reducing your stress can also help with perimenopausal symptoms.  If you reduce your stress level you should see a decrease in your symptoms.  Practice yoga, deep breathing or meditation.

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