Menopause Supplements

Dec 30, 2018 by

Menopause Supplements

Menopause is a time of great changes in  the lives of all women. This is a transition between a fertile and infertile stage of a woman’s body. Hence it leads to a both physical and mental turmoil, the symptoms of which can sometimes be quite difficult to cope with. Fortunately, there are natural supplements which can keep these symptoms at bay, or at least keep them within bearable levels. Thus, the lines below are dedicated to these menopause supplements.

The most popular natural remedy for the symptoms of menopause is the black cohosh, being especially well-known in the US. Numerous studies involving placebo and this herb have proven it to be an effective way of putting an end to the annoying hot flashes which prevent many women from functioning properly in their menopause. However, experts advise women who have experienced some liver problems to skip this supplement.

Another menopausal bother are night sweats. Fortunately, nature has a cure for this problem too and it is called flax-seed. This menopause supplement is considered effective for less serious occurrences of night sweats, helping by balancing hormones which lead to this problem. Still, studies have shown that not all women who use this supplement actually benefit from it. Therefore, it is less commonly chosen, even though it has resulted in positive changes many times.

Taking calcium menopause supplements can be extremely useful during this stage of life. Namely, bone deterioration is quite common at this time and can lead to many serious problems if no supplements of this type are used. For prevention of bone loss, women who have not reached the 51st year of their life should take 1,000mg of calcium per day. On the other hand, women over this age limit should increase their intake of calcium by 200mg. Furthermore, doctors usually recommend dividing the total dose into smaller ones which you will take during the day, claiming that this is a method which will guarantee a greater effect. Vitamin D is equally important, so make sure you either take adequate doses of supplements or spend about 15 minutes exposed to sunlight every day.

As for less effective, but not less used menopause supplements, red clover needs to be mentioned. Supposedly, this plant contains estrogens which fight the troubles of menopause. Even though some claim that this is true, others deny it, leaving it for you to see it for yourself. Wild yam is also thought to balance female hormones, so you may also take this form of supplements into consideration.

Mood swings are yet another woe of menopause, both for the troubled women and for the people close to them. Luckily, mainly according to alternative medicine, ginseng is capable of bettering this condition, along with St. John’s Wort. Moreover, these two can be combined with the above mentioned black cohosh, since all three are good menopause supplements. There are some other possible solutions for making menopause more bearable. Do your research and choose the best ones for you.

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